Saturday, September 5, 2009

Mental Breakdown..

duh..cant sleep..spent lots of time on reading..cant believe i did that..english exam was fun..wrote 10 pharagraphs of shit..1290 words to be exact..dont care..addmath was fun..btw..i have 3 news..2 gud news and 1 bad news..da gud news is my laptop that has problem..doesnt allow me to blog much will be repaired soon..full credit goes to Mr.Aziz Aka My dota i will see u in no time..wahaha..bad news is my phone got no picture will be post for the time being..last gud news is i maybe getting myself a new will be uploaded soon..have a lot of fun this week..cant sleep at night..thx to mellisa aka pss prefect form teman..ahaha..luckily can cook..i ate maggie sotong and im too guys..bye..time to sleep b4 my mom kills me by nagging..ahahahaha..just joking..bye..

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