Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sick of you..

Wahahaha,1st of all..happy birthday to the twins..k..this is how it goes,after bio and chemistry paper 3,we went for a movie titled FINAL DESTINATIN IV,wahaha..oh forgot one more thing,it is in 3d..first i thought the 3d effect like taik,u know like last time the tv3 give us da 3d glasses(psshh..and da hannah montana 3d concert,i never said that)..u know like lousy effect,but i was wrong..my 18 buck for movie today is totally worth it..it is trully in 3d i mean,like when there was a scene when the tayar hit sumone on the head,and da brain pieces tercampak everywhere,da effect like da brain tercampak at us,damm scary,and so does da blood,its like it was floating infront of me during the introduction,conclusion..3D Movie rocks..xD..cant wait for another scary movie to come out with 3D Effect,i wonder how would the movie "Quaratine" be with 3D Effect,if u know what i mean..muahaha..so guys,time to sleep..tommoro got exam so..adios!!

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