Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The revival of the yellow house...

What an awesome day..hahaha..rumah kuning now tgh revive like shit..the start of sumthing new..thanks to Pn.Rasidah..ketua guru penasihat yg tak henti2 menyokong pengerusi yang baru utk berjaya..juga kepada Pn.Lok yg selalu memberi semangat supaya tidak putus asa kerana dgn adanya semangat kite boleh berjaya..ahahaha..im sure some of u are wondering who is the pengerusi.hehehe..the new pengerusi is me..Adib Bin Abd Aziz..the mastermind behind the project called 'REVIVAL'..hoho..tahun ini adalah tahun yang paling pelik kerana sebelum ini rumah kuning akan diam dan akan ditindas..dan tiada siapa akan sedar akan kewujudan rumah kuning..siut..tapi..today..3 house bengang dengan rumah kuning..u know why???project revival work as planned..ahaha..we won tarik tali johan..it wont be long till we get what we shud get..ill get pictures of the teachers that supports me a lot..PN.RASIDAH PN LOK..LOVE U GUYS..without u guys..yellow house will be nothing and the project called 'revival' cant be accomplished..watch out guys..THERE'S A STORM COMING..and it has yellow house written all over it..will post pic on hari sukan on saturday..btw..these 2 pictures below i took it from google..GOOGLE!!!SMK BANDAR SUNWAY FAMOUS MASUK INTERNET!!hohohohoho..my last word for today is..with great determination,one can change everything..GO ENGGANG HOUSE!!!GO YELLOW HOUSE!!

SMK Bandar Sunway..hoho..Sekolah samseng nih..nak kene porkchop?XD

Choral speaking last year..conclusion..it is boring..XD

Monday, February 23, 2009

Pemain Hoki selangor..

Hi guys..well..not much..today we went to bukit jalil..we fought smk puchong batu 14..I SCORED DA OPENING GOAL..well..we won..but under 15 draw...the best part is..we played during a rainy day..so nice..tommorow is acara padang..shit..sorry guys..coudnt get a pic of the stadium..hujan doh..lagi pun busy fokus..ahahaha..watever it is..tommorow i enter tarik tali..wish me all the best..oh god..let kuning get number 3..XD..GO RUMAH KUNING GO RUMAH KUNING!!!actually..fyi..its personal...im gonna bring red house down babeh..i will and i can do it..hohohohoh..GO ENGGANG!!!all hail da pengerusi..hehehe..hope we win tommorow..god bless us..

Dis is a protector to protect ur ****..for school's hockey keeper..

Rule at padang pjs 9...no kissing allowed..

Yummy..i recommend to u guys..eat mars..super delicious..


People nowdays..donno da rule..zzz..

Longkang besar..ahaha..

Look at the sky..it makes me calm..

Its a perfect weather on sunday...

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Am i dreaming..

Am i dreaming?u know why i said that..lepas balik sekolah from drama and forum practice..went for mamak..spotted a cockroach under my table..near a chair..took 4 pic's of it..then i went home..when i was sleeping,masih tgh mimpi suddenly shafiqah sms ask me go pyramid help her out..she needed my help..so i went..lol..tolong dier..then i jumpe a lot of my frens..fun day though...CANT WAIT FOR HOCKEY DIS MONDAY!!HAHAHA!!XD...enjoy some of the newly added picture..ill post hockey pic on tuesday..have fun till then SAYONARA!!




UONC<<(unindentified object near chair)..zoom?..yeah thats was on my mind as well..


Still cannot see?


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The return of male chauvinist?

Sup guys,ari nih kat tusyen..got sejarah..zzz..the teacher said that 70% people in university are girls,where else 25% boys and the other 5% bapok or pondan..well..in my opinion..guys are smarter..just that we are less..u know why are we less..let me give u an example..the movie titanic..diorang kasi sume perempuan turun dulu..laki mati...perempuan je selamat..another example..kalau perang..perempuan duduk rumah..laki mati..jadi conclusionnyer...laki mati sebab perempuan..sebab nak protect..but have they ever show us some gratitude??NEVAH!!how do they repay us by condemming(donno if right spelling) us..WTF..ungrateful ba*tar*d..what ever it is..lemme show u guys sumthing..that we guys are better than girls in every aspect..malas nak cite panjang lebar..today..free demo from one of the greatest chef in the world..Chef Le Adib who will be making a demo on french dish..enjoy..

How to cook a french dish..SHUT UP AND LISTEN...

Chef Le Adib,from France..

U must prepare all that is shown above,a wok..paste,and sotong and udang..some kunyit,1 kiub pati ayam and a glass of water if nessecary..cam chemistry report pulak..XD


We have a paste(a mixture of bawang putih,bawang merah,and cili padi),sotong and udang..

Gently use the senduk..and make a circle..so that the oil can move around ur ingridient..

Make sure u cook until it releases a smell..then u can put the next ingridient..

Put in the sotong and udang..carefully..

IMPORTANT!!Remember..when the sotong and udang is on the wok..use small fire..to get the best result..so it will be soft..not hard..and will be cooked fully..

LoL..what shud i do next...ummm..yeah..kunyit time..

Kari powder,kunyit,and garam(from left to right)use kunyit..to get the best texture..put a bit only if not masin..

Use know's brand..i recommend this..hehe..advertising..HOHOHO..

Da square thingy on my senduk is kiub pati ayam..use only 1..ONLY 1!!!

Almost done..

Find a bowl..and transfer the food from kuali to mangkuk..

Prepare lots of water..spicy dish..'Sediakan payung sblm hujan'..XD

Makan time!!XD..yummy..want some?lick ur monitor screen..XD

The reaction is completed..we are out of reactants..

Dude..im too full..shit..cant move..XD

Monday, February 16, 2009

Im back..hohoho

Sup..sorry lame tak update..tangan sakit susah nak type..ni pun type satu tangan..lambat gile...last saturday valentine day..ooo..jumpe ramai ex..siut..tapi aku keluar ngan 4 awek aku..yg paling hot,seksi,mantap..Zaki,Rishi,Daeng ngan Ather..XD..tgk cite pink panther..tak de cite sangat..jd aku letak gambar rumah ku yg sedang under construction..a sneek peek..hehehe..rumah ku yg bakal siap bulan empat ini..yay..new house..bigger,nicer..

My house front view..

My living hall..kinda big..(not yet full picture)hehehe..

Sumone..why did i put this picture at the first place..um..

Top room..located at 2 1/2 storey..hehehe..

Stairs will be put here..its a 2 1/2 storey house..

My room..from inside view..ITS HUGE BABEH!!HOHOHO

My room..outside view..

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I feel so happy...

First of all..i woke up at 6..went to school and reach at 6.30..da lorong near my house was so creepy..menakutkan..mula fikir ade ju-on and shit..XD..then we meet up at school and bertolak dlm pukul 7.15..on the way there we kutuk john..hahaha..IS IT??EH?EH?EH?<<(sounds that annoys u)..played 3 games..lost all..i was sabatoj..darn..sum1 told my weakness to the other players..darn it..btw..the school kinda awesome..better than ours..but the canteen still suck though..the funny thing is the people in SSAAS school x pernah tgk blazer..aku,chan,kumaran,hue tsin jalan2 pusing satu sekolah..ramai jerit..wah gile kot doh..gempak siot.. <<< SSAAS student say this..ahaha..we were like 4 most macho,handsome,popular,best appearence and uniform guys in the chess competition...i forgot..we all lose too..ahaha...except for kumaran he won once..zzz..went back home..train my skill..wont depend on bishop anymore..ROOK TIME BABEH!!went for tusyen..balik je makan ketam..call An*****..my god..thx to her..i feel so alive..she cheer me up...damm i love her so much..HUE TSIN!!!I NID UR FLOWERS..1 FOR HER DUDE..AHAHAAHAHA..kk guys..im tired..tommorow chess again..5 rounds..darn..hope i win all..XD

6.25 am..it is so creepy to walk alone..must do it again tommorow..shit..XD

Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah school...

Sekolah SSAAS rules..cool picture..FUNNNYYY!!!

M&M ROCKS!!it helps me cool down during chess competition..

Monday, February 9, 2009

It sux to be me..=(..(only for today)

I woke up..with a hope..a hope that i will skate..but 8 buffon's crushed my hopes into little peices..names?uh...i dont think its nessecesary..i went..no skating..thx to some losers..went for bowling and archery..suppose watch movie..pink panther..thx to 8 buffon's again..hope crushed again..tak pe..it was a nice day for FOUR OF US!!no nid u 8 buffon's..me hue tsin erik and yim..the most fun activity was this..sitting on a bench near sunway hotel lobby and watch people pass by for like 15 minutes..dude..it sux to be me..thx to those 8 buffon's..zzz..dowan to talk about them..kinda annoys me..well..i went to jusco..got myself a new hair product..ahaha..bye bye wax..welcome rubber!!!its purple in colour..its the super hard one..better than wax..got a lot of colour actually,but i decided to take purple cos it makes me arouse..LOL XD..HELL NO!!joking..lek ah..jgn excited..esok chess..for two days,no buffon's..yeah baby yeah..went back at 3.30..damm i hate today..conclusion..those 8 buffon's annoys me a lot..jap2..lupe lak..mase makan tadi kat laksa shack..the fantastic four..which is me(Human torch),hue tsin(mr fantastic),yim(Thing) and erik(invisible woman)XD..had our super lunch at a place called laksa shack..suddenly the waitress said dis to me..adik punye muka nampak mcm syamsul yusof..i said..ye ker?x de la die hodoh la..then she reply..handsome la..then i straight away say..thank you..for ur compliment..ahaha..then she asked for my number..wtf..and she is 1 year older than me..god gracious..where does all these people come from...yeah..gud experience..what ever it is..valentine is coming..no girl for me..zzz..i dont nid anyone especially those 8 BUFFON'S..HOHOHO..k..see yeah..dota time..FUCK ISRAEL!!!FUCK ISRAEL!!!FUCK ISRAEL!!!FUCK ISRAEL!!!FUCK ISRAEL!!!FUCK ISRAEL!!!FUCK ISRAEL!!!FUCK ISRAEL!!!FUCK ISRAEL!!!FUCK ISRAEL!!!FUCK ISRAEL!!!FUCK ISRAEL!!!FUCK ISRAEL!!!FUCK ISRAEL!!!...Seriously..i hate israel..

Fuck israel..thats me..tgh kencing kat bendera israel..

Shh..im concentrating..

My result..yeah..i know..im an awesome archer..reminds me of Ragnarok..DOUBLE STRAF!!

New thing for my hair..rubber..awesome..thx gatsby..

Friday, February 6, 2009

Emo time....

Kinda boring,yesterday..after latihan rumah sukan..aku lepak kat padang ngan madhiah and ilieana...then..i saw disha..without her noticing i took her pic...conclusion?eventhough she exercise..nothing looks different...XD..today at school..chess practice..skipped 2nd period from sivik to last period addmath..XD..so nice..im kinda bored and donno what to do..i shud try chesscube.com as what chanru recommended..mane la tahu leh menang besar..ahaahahaha..to all my friends..datang la yer isnin nih..sekian terima kasih..

Time to get serious..lets do it..chess time..

Squiggles..i ate 2 during addmath tuition..

My shoes..zzzz..bought at radioactive last year..very useful..

A view after latihan rumah sukan..magnificant..

Sotong..i cooked on my own..

Spot the Disha..ahaha..she is VERY HARD TO SPOT!!!