Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Its a beautiful lie..

Hey guys,before i start..sorry for the bad pic..lupe nak set night mode..XD..anyways..i forgot buat keje sejarah..agak malas..this friday birthday chan..aper lg..tempek ah..minggu depan chess..yeah..b4 i forget..happy thaipusam to all indians..hari ahad ni kan..saje ckp awal2..malas nak wish nanti..=.='..chemistry x siap lg..today was fun..pegi tusyen sejarah..yg lawaknye belajar pasal linggir..dah la lopek..attack kapal nemesis and kalah pulak tuh..and that is what we call as a great tokoh of Sarawak..zzz..Malaysia's education i tell u..watever it is..cikgu kumaresan(sejarah teacher at kancil) ask us,aperkah pengajaran yg kite boleh dapat tentang pembunuhan j.w.w bitch..eyh..birch..u know what he said?Jangan mandi bunga,kalau boleh elakkan mandi..bcos he died mase die tengah mandi..wat a joke..after all that he says,jangan tulis macam itu yer..KOSONG MARKAH!!!WTF..watever it is..for drama..i didnt get a lead role..zzz..BIUS!!!maybe because sum1 senior they get..NOT FAIR!!thats what i think..its m opinion la..my point of view..so jangan la kecil hati..da funny part is dis..today..before drama..all ahli permata berkumpul near teachers parking lot..for group picture..it took us around 30 minutes to gather up people..after everybody's ready..da camera's battery ran out..zzz..SHIT LA..but luckily..aiman brought a spare camera..malunyer kene pinjam2..anyway..i think la..dis coming monday...i want to ajak my frens keluar ice skating..everyone's invited babeh..i wonder what will happen today..im bored..well..it look like lots and lots of people have noticed my new hair..and the comments that i get..AWESOME HAIR..COOL HAIR..boring dah dengar banyak2 pujian..ahaha..watever it is la..i hope hari nih hari yg baik utk sume org..and hope u guys have a wonderful life..CANT WAIT FOR CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS TUSYEN!!!ALRIGHT MR MURUGAN AND MR SUBEN!!!AAAAAAAA!!!FREEDOM!!!u know why?because the teacher in ur school,pn rohaya(physics) and pn loh(mole chem teacher)aku tak faham aper dorang ajar..so..tunggu tusyen la..ahahahaha..btw..breaking news..IM SINGLE!!XD!!anyone interested?give me a call on the number 014-tekan tekan tak dapat..gudnite guys..=)

The tree that shines beautifully,its a real pic after edited..No..its not a moon,lampu biase jer..

I'm too graceful...=.='




Sunway lagoon's view at night..

One hot black nissan fairlady..

Hot white mercedes..

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