Thursday, March 26, 2009

Drama sial..xD

Duh..we get third for drama darn it..we were super shocked..nak tahu kenapa..sbb our school dapat best actor(aieman)tapi kite dapat no 3..bangang gile..JUDGE BIaS!!ahaha..but whatever it is..minggu depan prefect camp..ahaha..1 days after dat..on 7th april..BAHAS ALA PARLIMEN PERINGKAT DAERAH!!!FORUM PERINGKAT DAERAH!!HOKI!!SHIT ALL ON THE SAME DAY..HELP!!!

If ur good at saying words..i challenge u to say this 10 times as fast as u can..Rapido..

He is a SINGH student,
And he SING the SINGH song,
Because the SINGH SINK IN A SINK!!!


Wall of who?

Kami rakyat malaysia yang makan nasi dengan telur..undilah kami..and if u notice..its getting more brighter from left to a colourist!! offence..for joke purpose only..

Duh..hate makeup..wat to drama it is a must..

Group pic of sad people..we lost the war..darn it..

Pendebat terbaik..ADIB!!!AHAHAHA..xD

Well..the next day..(25th of march)we won the 3rd topic and qualify for daerah..not just that..i dianugerahkan anugerah pendebat terbaik..ahaha..what to do..i was was fun bullying usj no offence...dont believe us?look at the picture at the bottom..xD..but we lost the 4th round with sambes..watever it is..we are going to daerah and that makes me happy..WOOO!!!xD

see..we can even laugh during the debate..ahaha..we dont care di because we know we sure win mean..during debate sempat tangkap mean..xD

Owh shit...debate day..

Haha..1st round we won..against smk usj was so fun..ahaha...2nd round we win cos teknik shah alam school tak datang..i know they scared..sunway ma..ahahaha..tomoro is the time for us to shine once more..owh shit..nid to prepare for tommorow duhh...teacher we are tired damm it..aaaaaaaa..XD(24th of march)

Muke2 bakal pemimpin..b4 debate..

We are the pembangkang for da first topic..i will be sitting in da middle and asyraf and aieman will be sitting next to me..We barisan pembangkang will bring kerajaan down babeh..XD

Its my time to shine..ahaha..XD

Go like ur mom!!!xD

Asyraf debating..go!!xD

so tired la..left 3 of continue the war..shit..alone making debate text..

Wah..2 hari lagi debat baru nak buat???

Well,hari sabtu baru buat text debate for the coming competition that will be held this coming pray for us guys..yeah baby..xD..i can sense the heat..ahaha..i want to be the pendebat terbaik..harap2 dapatlah..k guys chow..time to make debate text..Bahas ala parlimen,here i come!!!(21st of march)

Mocha frappucino with wheat cream cost be 15 is worth it..

Pls dont try this at home..try this at school only..

Thursday, March 19, 2009

A pro is born...

Well,for those wondering what is so nice about dota..and im a pro or not..proof?tgk kat massive damage done by name in dota is Kyo..enjoy guys..

Welcome to my dota username is u can see a lot of kill done by kyo..


SUM 1 PLS KILL HIM!!AHAHAHA..BEYOND GODLIKE!!u cannot kill me,u cannot kill me..ahaha..


Sob2,beyond godlike is the highest kill for dota..shit..sumbudy killed me..darn

I was alone..5 people gangbang me..but i manage to kill 4..darn the last one live..i die..shit..FUCK!!

Breaking the last tower..i was alone..3 enemy are attacking me but they fail to killed me..i was too pro..xD

I have won..told yah my win is inevitable..

Im a winner..and a pro as well..ahahahaha..

Excuse me,can i talk to u for a while...

It started out with Holiday Revision Course(HRC)..lepak chun li..before watching movie me,umair,syazani and megat went at mcd to have our lunch..well..then i saw dis beautiful attracted..when i went to wash my hand she was gone..bloody hell stupid girl.there was a girl infront of me basuh tangun punye la lambat....pasal die i miss..die basuh tangan lambat sangat..when its my turn..she was i thought that maybe i wasnt fated to meet her..but..BUT!!!when i went to the toilet..i saw da gurl again..wah..god sent me a sign to talk to her la..thats what i think..(noty2)so i ikut jer dier jalan dekat 15 minute..then i beranikan dia and talk to her..well i got her number and now we r frens..awesome...1 day,i got her phone number and pic,she asked for my pic girl school rocks!!!ahahaha..XD

Stupid makbul restoran..dont go..they cost me rm3.50 for nasi ayam and 4.70 for coke float..does it make sense..then i found out they cheat me..fucker...but nasib baek tak dapat tipu..its only 3 bucks..fuck u makbul!!!

Wait..i oso want to join u gurls..dis orang utan is a womanizer..xD

Cool orang utan eyh..moden punye..

Monday, March 16, 2009

Kase elek!!(in english means no money) i went for Hardstyle revoultion for holiday revision course at kancil..When i went back..i saw a ferrari..a beautiful car..and what makes me angry the dude dat is driving da car tak handsome..bangang btol..ah..watever it is..6 hari aku ade tusyen..bangang..kk..see the picture below that i snapped infront of sunway lagoon resort hotel..gambar owner die dekat dengan entrance..tekan gambar tuh untuk zoom..muke owner die x handsome langsung..baik kasi aku jer kereta tuh..enjoy..

Owh god,can i have dis car for my birthday?da dude at the back is the owner of this goddamm car..I HATE U!!!look at the entrance..

A gift from Mr.Jai(Bio teacher)for the last to answer the quiz...duh..

Sumthing is wrong with dis pic..there are no homosapiens(human)..XD


Its life..

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Angel in the night...

Awesome..lets start it off with god i luv u..thx for letting me win the forum..lepas forum..kene belanja makan pulak drink is the most expensive among all including the teachers!!XD..rm 11.50..mocha not at mesyuarat PIBG sumthing horrible lloks like 7 april is the worst day of the year..if we make it to daerah for drama..i have drama,forum,and hockey on the same day..they canceled bahas..but the problem is we want to debate..if teacher agree..and we proceed to the next round..4 EVENTS IN ONE FUCKING DAY..darn it..i knew that all of this were done to sabotaj us..tidak!!!!watever it is..i want to watch the new dragon ball and street fighter..anyone wanna join me?giv me a call..k guys..chow..BASSHUNTER RULES!!I RECCOMEND!!=)..have a nice day..Wait before i forgot..toilet picture down there is taken from smk subang utama's nice da toilet..nak ponteng pun best kat toilet..i wish my school has da same toilet..duh..T_T

Yummy,a treat at kenny rogers after we won forum..mocha ice blended!!

Wild channel?naah..

Toilet..awesome..hotstuff..20% less than pyramid..

Friday, March 6, 2009


What a rough week..barely have enough time to sleep..lagilah nak post free time..well..yellow house lost..tapi beza sikit jer..sum of them said only 4 marks..sum of them say 40..tak tahu lah..but im proud of myself..rumah kuning yang dianggap lemah serta selalu ketinggalan jauh di belakang..dekat 400-500 markah tahun nih mula menunjukkan belang..kinda sad..last year..tapi tak dapat no exam next week..ah..full with the way..i hate plants for bio..damm annoying..stupid xylem..phloem..zzz..watever it is..exam mood is on for now..harap2 exam lepas nih senang..k..guys..gudnite..dota time..btw this year maskot is spongebob..hohoho..

I spot a lot of yellow got green..

Yellow house..our seat at the stadium..

Do u feel scared?dont be..

Perbarisan rumah kuning..GOGOGO..

Im strong babeh...strgr than patrick..


Yellow house inside..