Thursday, March 26, 2009

Owh shit...debate day..

Haha..1st round we won..against smk usj was so fun..ahaha...2nd round we win cos teknik shah alam school tak datang..i know they scared..sunway ma..ahahaha..tomoro is the time for us to shine once more..owh shit..nid to prepare for tommorow duhh...teacher we are tired damm it..aaaaaaaa..XD(24th of march)

Muke2 bakal pemimpin..b4 debate..

We are the pembangkang for da first topic..i will be sitting in da middle and asyraf and aieman will be sitting next to me..We barisan pembangkang will bring kerajaan down babeh..XD

Its my time to shine..ahaha..XD

Go like ur mom!!!xD

Asyraf debating..go!!xD

so tired la..left 3 of continue the war..shit..alone making debate text..

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