Thursday, March 26, 2009

Drama sial..xD

Duh..we get third for drama darn it..we were super shocked..nak tahu kenapa..sbb our school dapat best actor(aieman)tapi kite dapat no 3..bangang gile..JUDGE BIaS!!ahaha..but whatever it is..minggu depan prefect camp..ahaha..1 days after dat..on 7th april..BAHAS ALA PARLIMEN PERINGKAT DAERAH!!!FORUM PERINGKAT DAERAH!!HOKI!!SHIT ALL ON THE SAME DAY..HELP!!!

If ur good at saying words..i challenge u to say this 10 times as fast as u can..Rapido..

He is a SINGH student,
And he SING the SINGH song,
Because the SINGH SINK IN A SINK!!!


Wall of who?

Kami rakyat malaysia yang makan nasi dengan telur..undilah kami..and if u notice..its getting more brighter from left to a colourist!! offence..for joke purpose only..

Duh..hate makeup..wat to drama it is a must..

Group pic of sad people..we lost the war..darn it..

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