Thursday, March 19, 2009

Excuse me,can i talk to u for a while...

It started out with Holiday Revision Course(HRC)..lepak chun li..before watching movie me,umair,syazani and megat went at mcd to have our lunch..well..then i saw dis beautiful attracted..when i went to wash my hand she was gone..bloody hell stupid girl.there was a girl infront of me basuh tangun punye la lambat....pasal die i miss..die basuh tangan lambat sangat..when its my turn..she was i thought that maybe i wasnt fated to meet her..but..BUT!!!when i went to the toilet..i saw da gurl again..wah..god sent me a sign to talk to her la..thats what i think..(noty2)so i ikut jer dier jalan dekat 15 minute..then i beranikan dia and talk to her..well i got her number and now we r frens..awesome...1 day,i got her phone number and pic,she asked for my pic girl school rocks!!!ahahaha..XD

Stupid makbul restoran..dont go..they cost me rm3.50 for nasi ayam and 4.70 for coke float..does it make sense..then i found out they cheat me..fucker...but nasib baek tak dapat tipu..its only 3 bucks..fuck u makbul!!!

Wait..i oso want to join u gurls..dis orang utan is a womanizer..xD

Cool orang utan eyh..moden punye..

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